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Jeremy Hodgkiss

Your CV - the front door to getting a dream job

Perfect preparation prevents poor performance.

It’s a phrase you hear in many walks of life, from business to sport to education, and will resonate with the many who simply can’t ‘bluff’ or ‘wing’ things. I’m one of those people. I need to know when I walk through a door - for an important occasion - that I have left nothing to chance. If I don’t get the job I need, the result I craved, or the grade I wanted, then I want the reassurance of knowing that I did my best before I went through that door.

And the above surely applies when it comes to getting that new, dream job, doesn’t it? That’s where Deans Recruitment can, and will, help. But more of that later…..

So many people who are brilliant at what they do never get the chance to sit in front of potential new employers simply because they didn’t prepare properly beforehand. They didn’t pay enough attention to the controllables; the things that experience no extemal influence on them. The things that you, and solely you, are responsible for.

And one that continuously lets job candidates down is their CV…….

I often hear people say that “It’s good enough…” - it rarely is. Especially when you consider that many jobs have over one hundred applicants going for it. All you have is your CV and covering letter to represent you. Ask yourself: is yours better than your competitors? Be honest with your answer. And in the financial and accountancy sector, candidates are often of the highest quality with excellent CV’s. You need to give yourself an edge. You need to get yourself an interview. That’s where your CV comes into play.

If it’s not quite up to scratch, it’s easy enough to remedy the situation. And like any important document, it’s a living, breathing entity. It’s not something to be taken off the shelf, and the dust and cobwebs blown off it every few years. Your CV needs to be updated on (at least) a monthly basis, as does your LinkedIn profile. They are your shop window. Don’t fill that window with things that are well past their sell-by date!

At Deans Recruitment, we go that one step further for our clients, and that includes offering a CV writing/re-writing service that features the services of a professional CV writer who has written any number of successful CV’s.

We will ask you to think deeply about what is needed and not needed on your CV, because that’s what others will be doing when they apply. You should also be asking yourself the following:

· What pain can you cure for your new employer? By that, we mean just why should they employ you? How will you getting the job be of benefit to your potential employer?

· Do you change your CV for different job applications? You should.

· Does your CV match the job description’s specific needs and demands?

· Do you have other generic professional skills and responsibilities that you may not even know you have? eg. leading teams, budget management, sales, marketing, etc.

· What track record/successes do you have that lend themselves to this new job? Use facts, data etc to back this up.

· What would stop you getting a job - what are your weaknesses? Turn them into strengths.

· Does your potential new employer really need to know your age, marital status, leisure pursuits, and a picture of what you look like etc?

Deans Recruitment works with outstanding financial companies in seeking outstanding financial candidates to fill their vacant positions. We will be with you in the application process every step along the way. Get in touch for a chat to see how we do this.

Tel: 01785 258311


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